View Full Version : Heartbeat Spoilers 24th May

08-05-2009, 09:40
A panicked Mason (Joe McFadden) has left Rachel (Clare Wille) and the investigation to go and search for Carol (Lisa Kay), worried that she’s in danger. Meanwhile at the waterfall, Carol and Nev (Luke Carroll) have bonded over their troubled childhoods. They’re interrupted when Nev discovers his sister has gone into difficulty giving birth - she can’t go to the hospital as the father is white and the child will be taken away from her. After persuading Nev to let her help, Carol delivers the baby safely and gains the trust of the aboriginal community.

Carol arrives back in town safely, much to Joe’s relief, however Rachel’s furious that she’s wasted their time. As they press on with the investigation, Mick (Blair McDonough) is eventually ruled out as a suspect and their attention is turned to a local roadhouse run by Mr Meredith (Damien Garvey). Another young woman has disappeared in the area and her car was found abandoned near Meredith’s roadhouse.

Across town, Carol is overjoyed when her brother Danny (Evert McQueen) arrives in town after seeing her notice in the paper. Meanwhile, the police run a check on Mr Meredith’s son, Des (Anthony Standish) and learn that he has a criminal record, however, when they arrive at the roadhouse he’s nowhere to be seen.

With the help of Nev, Danny and some key information from Carol, the police track down Des, but will his latest victim still be alive and will Rosie have survived?