View Full Version : Week 49 Spoilers

slater girl
05-11-2008, 15:02
Monday 1 December

Shirley is in for a surprise when Heather discovers a shocking secret about Suzy, in this week's first visit to Albert Square. Meanwhile, Jack takes drastic action to get back at Max.

Elsewhere, doting new parents Sean and Roxy wait anxiously by Amy's ventilator.

Tuesday 2 December

Baby Amy has further medical problems, in tonight's visit to Albert Square, and it's touch and go as to whether she will pull through.

Meanwhile, Bianca pawns her engagement ring to buy Whitney a present.

Thursday 4 December

Roxy makes a big decision in tonight's visit to Albert Square. Elsewhere, Whitney's play is a huge success, but she has other things on her mind.

Friday 5 December

Ian is on an economy drive, in the final visit of the week to Walford, and decides to cancel Christmas. Suzy, meanwhile, discovers her dog has been stolen.

06-11-2008, 17:42

Ian is on an economy drive.
So what's new? :lol:

Miss X
10-11-2008, 17:15
Quote: slater girl

Ian is on an economy drive.

So what's new? PMSL:cartman:

25-11-2008, 14:50
Vinnie leaves Walford
Airs on Monday, December 1 2008 at 20:00 GMT on BBC One

Heather talks to Shirley about her decision to leave the Square with Vinnie. Shirley's adamant that there's nothing for her to stay around for and certainly nothing will happen between her and Phil. When Shirley sees Vinnie, he's excited about their travel plans - he's convinced that it'll work between them. Later, Heather and Shirley have a heart-to-heart about how much they'll miss each other. Shirley then confides in Heather that she slept with Phil the other night, prompting Heather to become emotional and excited at realising that Phil still loves her. As Callum turns up to see his dad off, he's shocked when Vinnie gives him a watch to give back to Phil - he left it in Shirley's room the other night. Vinnie and Shirley eventually drive off together.

In The Vic, Heather can't believe her eyes when Shirley walks through the doors - she's decided not to go after all. Callum arrives at the pub and gives Phil his watch back in front of Suzy, explaining where Vinnie found it. Suzy's gob-smacked.

In prison, Tanya receives a visit from her lawyer, who informs her that she's been to see Max. She tells Tanya that Max is convinced she's covering for Jack. Upon returning to her cell, Tanya confronts her cellmate Nina – she knows she has a mobile hidden in the cell and demands to use it. She makes a call and tells the person on the other end to get to the prison as soon as possible. Max turns up at the prison but Tanya's furious with him. While Max is adamant that Jack tried to kill him, Tanya's blunt - she tried to kill him before, so she'll try again when she's released. Later, Jack turns up at the prison, too, and is stunned when Tanya finishes things between them.

Elsewhere, Jack receives a mysterious letter; Tony sends Lauren a text to see if she's okay; Whitney tells Tony that she's found Pat's bill money stash so they can book their departure for next week; Ian and Bianca go head-to-head in their efforts to sell as many school Christmas play tickets as possible; Roxy and Sean continue to pray for Amy's health; Whitney books hers and Tony's tickets to Spain; Whitney's looking for her passport, completely unaware that Tony has dropped it in a bin across the Square.

Suzy tells Phil she's pregnant
Airs on Tuesday, December 2 2008 at 19:30 GMT on BBC One

Phil wakes up in the Arches after spending the night there. Minty's about to reverse a car over him, but suddenly stops when he realises Phil's there. Phil apologises for forgetting Minty's birthday and calls Peggy to let her know he's heading across to pick up Ben. Before Minty's had a chance to offer him his house for the night, Phil's disappeared. Outside Booty, Phil's following Suzy who's fuming with him. As they argue, Ian earwigs. Later, Phil continues in his attempts at making things up with Suzy, but she's more interested in discovering the truth about him and Shirley. At the Minute Mart, Heather's stunned by the last item in Suzy's basket.

At The Vic for Minty's birthday drinks, Suzy and Shirley snipe at each other, before Suzy runs upstairs. When Minty tells Shirley to call Heather, she ignores him - it can't be that important. Suzy's locked herself in the bathroom, sobbing. Shirley persuades Phil to go downstairs and have a drink with Minty. As Phil heads down, Shirley turns to confront Suzy. However, when she emerges from the bathroom, she's stunned by what she's seen. After giving Phil the silent treatment, Suzy eventually caves in and shows him the pregnancy test - she's pregnant...

Meanwhile, Lauren finds Jack packing her belongings and she quickly tackles him about it. When Jack reveals that he and Tanya are no longer together, Lauren's stunned. She questions Jack's dedication to Tanya if he's prepared to give up on her that easily. As Jack watches Max walk off with baby Oscar, Jack takes the opportunity to let himself into the house. Ronnie walks by and sees Jack dumping bin bags outside the house - he's packing up Max and the kids' belongings. Jack eventually reveals that he and Tanya have split up. As Jack's throwing clothes down the stairs, Ronnie points out that if he carries on what he's doing, his nieces will be left out on the streets. Later, misreading the signs, Jack leans in for a kiss with Ronnie, who rejects his advances.

Elsewhere, Roxy and Sean are struggling to cope with baby Amy's ongoing condition, which suddenly takes a turn for the worse; Whitney realises that she's not going to be leaving with Tony any time soon; Whitney and Morgan sing Christmas carols to raise money for Whitney's birthday present; Heather and Shirley discuss Shirley's feelings for Phil; Roxy and Sean look on in horror as doctors fail to save a nearby baby's life; Bianca's £100 bonus goes missing; Roxy decides she wants baby Amy Christened; Peter's embarrassed by a photo in the Gazette; Bianca pawns her engagement ring.

Jack tells Roxy he wants a paternity test
Airs on Thursday, December 4 2008 at 19:30 GMT on BBC One

At the hospital, Roxy panics when the nurse tells her that Amy's oxygen levels have dropped - she has a collapsed lung. Blaming herself, she runs from the ward in tears. Ronnie arrives at the hospital and offers her sister a shoulder to cry on, but Roxy shrugs her off. She's been expressing milk for Amy and as she hands it to the nurse, Sean tells her that the doctors have started Amy's operation. The pressure becomes too much for Roxy, who flees the hospital. Ronnie soon begins to doubt her thoughts about Sean when he suggests that she find Roxy while he waits for news on Amy.

Roxy's back at the Slaters' where she finds a padded envelope which contains a postcard for Jean and a pair of booties. Frustrated by her situation, a broken-hearted Roxy crumples the booties in her hands. Phil and Shirley turns up at the house and tries to convince her to go back to the hospital to be with Sean and Amy. Roxy, however, is adamant that she can't face it any longer. Eventually, Shirley makes her see sense. Phil drops Roxy off at the hospital and returns to the Square. Roxy's delighted when Sean tells her that Amy's going to be okay, Roxy's slightly more relieved. Sean then tells Roxy that he loves her.

Roxy's looking at Amy's, who's just had her operation, and she suddenly hears a noise behind her. She presumes it's Sean and is stunned when she turns around and sees Jack standing in the doorway. She's further stunned when he announces that he wants a paternity test.

Elsewhere, Phil and Suzy argue about the pregnancy; Lucy links Peter's Gazette photo to the school campaign website; Jane visits Tanya in prison; Jack visits Jim in the nursing home and he becomes quite emotional by his son's presence; Lucy suggests that she and Peter have a debate for the election; Jack feels terrible that he hasn't visited Jim sooner; Peter's busy preparing his speech, but Lucy's taking it easy; Jim questions Jack about why his relationship with Ronnie failed; Peter delivers his speech in the café, while Lucy's nowhere to be seen; Jack blames Jim for the way his life has turned out; Jim's upset as he finishes a portrait of Jack, just as his son leaves; and Phil offers Shirley her job back but she's devastated when she sees him with Suzy shortly afterwards.

Whitney performs in the Christmas play
Airs on Friday, December 5 2008 at 20:00 GMT on BBC One

It's the early hours and Whitney's creeping about the house. Tony finds her and she suggests they leave together tomorrow. Whitney's gutted, though, when he tells her that Bianca would find them, so they can't. Later, Libby has some bad news - they're going to have to cancel 'Romeo and Julie' as the electrics are faulty at the hall. Whitney's clearly unhappy with the news, but Tony has a plan - they can use the community centre instead. Tony asks how much Bianca got for her engagement ring at the pawnbroker's, forcing Bianca to confess that she spent it on buying Whitney a china doll for her birthday.

Tony tells Bianca that he tried to get her ring back, but it had already been sold by the time he got there. Promising to get her another one, Tony walks away clutching a necklace with a heart attached to it.

Later, Whitney sees her passport in Bianca's bag and Bianca explains that the market inspector found it. When Bianca offers to do her hair and make-up for the play, Whitney's guilt prompts her to turn vicious.

As the play's about to start, Whitney's immensely nervous - she realises that she's about to betray her entire family. It all becomes too much for Whitney when Tiffany starts shouting her name. Wanting to make Tony proud, she returns to the stage and continues with the play, while Bianca also watches on.

Over at the Beales', Ian cancels Christmas and moans about the money they're spending. He points out that they're already feeding another two people in the house. When Jane walks into the kitchen, she realises that Lauren's overheard Ian's rant. Lauren touches her necklace with a heart on and assures Jane that she's okay...

Elsewhere, Jane accidentally lets slip to Max that Lauren's living at her house and suggests that he call Tanya; Suzy worries when she can't find Prince; Phil has no luck in finding Prince, but shows Suzy a a postcard that arrived for her from the Dalmatian Coast, prompting Suzy to quickly leave; Suzy goes to see her ex, Ahmet and discovers that he kidnapped Prince - he'll return the dog when he gets his gold bar back; Max tells Abi that Tanya has split up with Jack; and Roxy turns to Christian with help in securing a DNA test for Jack - otherwise he'll tell Ronnie and Sean the truth.