View Full Version : Hollyoaks Spoilers 26-30 May

14-05-2008, 08:31
Monday, May 26

It's the day of Jake's court case. Louise insists that Warren shouldn't pay Darren the £100,000 he owes him. Darren decides the only way to solve Jack's financial troubles is one last trip to the casino…

And John Paul tells Myra that Elliot is his boyfriend.

Tuesday, May 27

Jack loses his temper when he realises that Darren's gambled the money away.

Louise wants to flaunt her freedom by having celebratory drinks in The Dog, not realising that her friends and Warren are not keen on her new attitude.

Michaela is prepared to exploit the community for the sake of her journalism career as she seeks out news stories in the village.

And when Gilly tries to make up for a massive mistake he made on Neville's Drive 'N' Buy order and distracting Josh from his studies, Neville decides to make him a very special offer…

Wednesday, May 28

Newt is worried after Eli ignores his warnings and takes revenge on Niall .

Louise accuses Frankie of damaging Evissa, and when a thug threatens Frankie in The Dog she blames Louise and Warren.

Fletch's birthday lunch is overshadowed by a surprise visit from Rhys.

Louise is furious that Rafi has moved into the spare room. And Michaela tries to press Louise for information.

Thursday, May 29

Neville, Josh and Gilly decide to leave home after a family argument about Rhys.

Sasha and Fletch share a wrap of heroin, unaware of the mess they've become.

Jack and Darren worry about their secret when Frankie insists on going to the police: she's convinced Louise was responsible for the attack. Darren tells Jack the only way he can think to cut costs is to get rid of Newt. Jack is shocked, but decides to have a man-to-man chat with Newt.

And Zoe gets a call from her dad, who's visiting tomorrow: how will he react when he finds out that Zoe's boyfriend's old enough to be her father?

Friday, May 30

After spending the night in a B&B, Gilly thinks it's time he got a flat of his own but he's left in a predicament when Josh assumes he can move in too.

Sasha and Fletch are desperate for another fix but don't have any money, so Sasha tries to con some out of her dad.

Zoe's father arrives earlier than expected and thinks Mike's son is Zoe's boyfriend; and when Mike takes everyone out to lunch Michaela reveals all about the Barnes family's troubled past.

And Tina admits to Dominic that she's scared about the birth and giving up her child.

14-05-2008, 12:26
Why couldn't annoying Louise stay in prison :thumbsdow