View Full Version : The X Factor Final 4 - Your LEAST Favourite

04-12-2007, 01:33
Lets hear it, then!

Who is your least favourite competitor left in The X Factor?

04-12-2007, 04:11

something about him i dont like

04-12-2007, 07:22
Same Difference, their cheesy smiles and skipping about the stage just want me to throw up :sick:

04-12-2007, 09:21
It was tough, it was between Rhydian and Leon and I went for Rhydian

04-12-2007, 09:30
Rhydian without a doubt.. I like Leon.. he has come really far..

04-12-2007, 09:33
Same Difference.

I watched play school at 11 am weekday mornings on BBC 2 when I was under 5.

I don't want to see it on primetime TV on Saturday nights.

They belong on the under 5s music show circuit along with The Singing Kettle and Tweenies 'Live on Stage!'

04-12-2007, 09:34
Same Difference.

I watched play school at 11 am weekday mornings on BBC 2 when I was under 5.

:lol:I said the same thing on Saturday.. they are like high 5 or something you see on a kids program....

04-12-2007, 11:01
Same Difference, god give me a good and i'll shoot them with one bullet!

Rhydian and Leon are both annoying also. Nicki is by far the best of the bunch!

04-12-2007, 11:35
same difference or the disgustingtons as i call them

04-12-2007, 12:54
I agree I cant believe same difference as still there but someone must be voting

04-12-2007, 14:07
Leon is my least favourite. He bores me.

04-12-2007, 16:22
The worse one I think is Nikki, followed a close second by Leon.

Rydian and Same difference (whilst cheesy) are entertaining ^^^those ones arent!

04-12-2007, 18:36
I don't like Leon, i think he is th weakest and theres not that much about him. The others are entertaining and good.

04-12-2007, 19:20
The possessed duo that is Same Difference.

Chloe O'brien
04-12-2007, 22:29
It was tough choosing between Leon and Same Difference, but Leon has improved over the last two weeks. Same Difference are just too jolly for me. When I see them on the telly I'm expecting to see some childrens puppet appear beside them.

Johnny Allen
04-12-2007, 23:38
Same Difference.

I watched play school at 11 am weekday mornings on BBC 2 when I was under 5.

I don't want to see it on primetime TV on Saturday nights.

They belong on the under 5s music show circuit along with The Singing Kettle and Tweenies 'Live on Stage!'

Absolutely have to agree. If I have to hear the judges say one more time 'oh your just so happy' I will scream. I think we know their happy we have to see their bleeding smirks everytime they appear on screen. Their cheesy and plain annoying and Louis seems to be the only one who has any common sense when it comes to giving them a verdict on their performance. If they win the show, then it might as well be dead and buried. The fact they are in the final 4 is an absolute joke and tells you how silly the general public are.