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Bad Wolf
15-05-2005, 11:40
BIG BROTHERS' BIG CON (http://<b><font%20face=&quot;helvetica&quot;><font%20size=&quot;5&quot;>big%20brothers'%20big%20con</font></font></b>) May 15 2005

BB chiefs' dirty trick on 11 'dummies' Con victims will be voted off in hours Churchman & male stripper are housemates

By Euan Stretch

BIG Brother bosses have devised their most dastardly plot yet - conning 12 contestants into thinking they have been picked for the show.

The evil plan involves two teams of housemates - one a "dummy dozen" and the other for real. Neither will know the other exists.

While the "dummies" are ushered into the BB house after packing their suitcases and saying tearful goodbyes to families and friends, the real ones will be shown into another part of the building.

A few hours later - after they've unpacked - 11 of the "dummies" will be booted out by public vote, leaving just one to join the real team.

Last night, a BB insider said: "This has to be the ultimate con - 12 poor hopefuls are going to believe they've been chosen and 11 will have their dreams shattered almost straight away." The Sunday Mirror can also reveal who 16 of the 24 housemates - real and otherwise - in BB6 will be. They include an ex-cop, a stripper-turned-dustman, a nurse, a stunning female builder and BB's first gay couple. One contestant is aged 56 - the oldest BB housemate yet.

The Channel 4 insider said: "We've picked the most ludicrous medley of misfits ever, including three beautiful maneaters. We want the craziest, raunchiest show in British TV history - I think these guys guarantee it."

We can also reveal how:

IT will be the longest running Big Brother yet - lasting 100 days.

HOUSEMATES will be handed £5,000 each and win more by escaping eviction and passing tasks.

BEFORE contestants leave, they must give half the money they win to a BB-mate of their choice.

THE final 12 contestants will be split into two groups, half living in the upper part of the house, and the other half in the bottom.

BOSSES have deliberately picked housemates they know will have sex in the house.

BIG Brother was so worried plans would leak out they have banned hopefuls from reading newspapers in the lead-up.

It all kicks off with a thrilling launch show, presented by Davina McCall and Dermot O'Leary on May 27 - and won't end until September 3.

In a complex double-bluff, viewers will see the first group - the "dummies" - secretly moved into the top part of the building, called Owl House. Davina will then move another group - the real team - into the lower part, called Sun House.

The 12 Owl housemates don't know that all but one of them will be voted off by the public that night. The surviving housemate will then join the others.

The insider said: "They are in for a nasty surprise and a big shock."

But the cruelty doesn't stop there. The remaining 12 contestants will then be split into two groups and live in the Owl or Sun house to compete against each other.

Those in the Owl House, with no windows and artificial lighting, will only be allowed out at night.

Those in the Sun House can only venture out during daylight hours. Both houses have their own bedrooms, living area, bathroom and kitchen - but will have to share the garden at different times.

A secret staircase links to the two parts, but can only be opened by Big Brother.

After a couple of weeks, the two houses finally merge and individual housemates can be nominated for eviction.

Each week there will be three tasks which can win them immunity from nomination and luxury goods such as food and cigarettes.

But for the first time in the show's history, housemates can also win individual prize money. Each housemate is given a £5,000 fund when they first walk through the doors. They get another £5,000 for each week they survive.

However, if they get evicted, they have to give half their total winnings to a surviving housemate. After two months, they can bank all their prize money and keep it, even if evicted. The Big Brother winner will walk away with £75,000.

The show insider said: "The prize money will set housemate against housemate like never before. The longer you stay in, the more money you earn, but also the more people you have to nominate for eviction. It could get very unpleasant."

BB6 chiefs face stiff competition when the show starts - as they go head to head with ITV1's rival reality show Celebrity Love Island.

Our insider said: "It's going to be full-on sex this year, with wall-to-wall romps. This lot won't care who sees them naked or getting up to naughtiness. We're on to a winner.


Don't worry, BB fans, we're not spoiling the surprise by showing their faces...

A married woman likely to be a "mother figure" to the younger ones.

Sexy, long-haired brunette describes herself as a hippy chick.

Tanned, blue-eyed 26-year-old IT expert tipped to be this year's BB hunk.

No-nonsense, trendy male nurse who could patch up after rows.

Marginally better looking than The Office's Gareth, a desperate wannabe.

Fun-loving sex-kitten aged 20 set to be a sure-fire rival to Sophie.

"Laugh-a-minute" Jack-the-lad labourer, aged 28 and "up for anything".

Balding, speccy, goatee geek in his early 30s, who works as carpenter.

Cheeky-chappy builder in his 20s and possibly in touch with feminine side.

Bottle-blonde mutton-dressed-as-lamb in her 40s - cringe-worthy TV.

Blonde bombshell in her 20s - BB bosses' big hope for nookie in house.

Ex-male stripper working as a dustman in his 20s and in love...with himself.

A receptionist in his 20s who hopes the house will be like a mini-Ibiza club.

Mid-life crisis dad in his 50s - oldest ever Big Brother contestant.

Rugged ex-cop in his 30s - bound to be the housewives' favourite.

Chubby dad-of-three churchman in his 40s, now working as a teacher.

i dont know if any of this it true but i hope so!!

15-05-2005, 16:18
I read this too Rach - looks good!! Time to get hooked on it again!! I always think I'll never get used to the housemates but it doesn't take long as I'm as bad as ever!

15-05-2005, 16:27
Sounds good, I hope BB is as good as it was last year. I just hope there are no Ahmed-type housemates though, he really got on my nerves, especially when he tried to do the coup during the military task.

15-05-2005, 16:29
Oh god yeah, I couldn't stand him.

I'm not sure how the older housemate will get on as its generally been proved that the older ones don't really want to get involved in too much. Be interesting to see if this one is different.

15-05-2005, 17:38
fab thanks for that!!!!

16-05-2005, 11:46
read that yesterday on sky news can't wait just over a week to go i feel sorry for the Dummies they are going to be Devastated but it is all part of the Game

16-05-2005, 12:39
I see some lawyers coming involved they will be so p'd off, I do feel sorry for them

Jessie Wallace
16-05-2005, 13:21
Excellent, can't wait for that one :cheer:

16-05-2005, 14:16
I can't wait for this show to start, 100 whole days of big brother!

16-05-2005, 14:33
Oh for once i won't miss the final and have to watch it on tape! Yippee, i can watch it all live :)

I'm always on Holiday when the final is shown, but if it goes on till 3rd of september then that would be great! :D

16-05-2005, 14:50
100 days yea

17-05-2005, 17:37
The dummie idea is the nastiest yet. I know if i was going on BB i would tell a few people where to get off before i went in there. One of them being my boss, only to get voted out within hours and sent home to no job. BIG ouch for those contestants. I feel sorry for them already and it hasn't even started yet.
I wonder what the families of the dummies are thinking now they've read this? I'm sure a lot will be furious

17-05-2005, 23:08
that sounds excellent i cant wait to watch that!!!!

18-05-2005, 11:48
i feel really sorry for the Dummies but it is all part of the Game

18-05-2005, 11:52
i guess it depends how much they've actually given up to be on the show.

18-05-2005, 16:59
i am sooooo excited!!! i want to see the house though!!!!!! please channel 4, let us see it!!!

27-05-2005, 23:14
i guess this idea was just another ruse to throw people off the scent of the real story then huh?

28-05-2005, 09:23
Im 100% very dissapointed Rain... I was waiting for this and it never happened *runs of in tears*

28-05-2005, 14:58
:angry: Let's sue the mirror... even the housemates are not real!! :angry:

Bad Wolf
28-05-2005, 15:02
they didn't even get any names right