View Full Version : Nominations please!

10-07-2006, 10:30
Its nominations day today so can i have your first and second nominations please with your reason for nominating this person!

My first nommo is Nikki

Cant stand her plain and simple,she is a liar,twister,whinger,stroppy,immature little cow! Is that enough?

Common as muck and i just dont like the women,think she is just holding a grudge over ashleyne just because she evcted her into the other house,but she did her a favour but jayne has taken it personally and now hates ash for it and is just befriending nikki cus she knows ash didnt like her and slagged her off in the secret house

10-07-2006, 11:30
here are mine :D

Susie i nearly forgot her because she is soooo boring! what exactly does she do, and why is she in there. get her out noone will actually missher

next nommo goes to Nikki, last week i was starting to like her but now she annoying me again. That whinging, that face, the constant moaning! i dont think i can take watching her anymore

10-07-2006, 15:28
My first nomination is Jayne

I don't like how she's holding a grudge over Ashleyne evicting her, Ash had to do it and she ended up in the house anyway. She was really unsympathetic when Ash came back and she's stirring up trouble between Ash and Nikki.

My second nomination is Nikki

Her tantrums used to be funny but now there getting a bit annoying and if shes got a problem with Ashleyne she should just tell her and sort it out instead of pretending everythings ok and moaning about Ash behind her back.

10-07-2006, 15:30
Susie- she is so boring.

Jayne- I just dont like her

10-07-2006, 15:38
susie - shes really boring

jayne- shes too loud and theres just something about her that i dont like

10-07-2006, 15:43
aislyene - she is being so false with the babes and the fake kisses and hugs

richard - becuase he beat lea last week and no body likes him :p

10-07-2006, 16:08
Susie - don't like her and is a bit boring

Jayne - i am sick of the wind!!!

x Amby x
10-07-2006, 16:14
Aisleyne- Ive never liked her! She just irritates me so much and shes as fake as Leas boobs!

Susie- Why exactly is she there? All she does is drink tea! I mean i could do that and im not in the Big Brother house!

Johnny Allen
10-07-2006, 17:13
First nomination: Glyn,

The man has no backbone, constantly copies others, and really grates with his talk about Wales, hes just boring.

Second: Jayne.

back-stabbing and stirring it up badly, shes vulgar, and shes ruining Nikki's characer.

10-07-2006, 17:45
Pete, only joking.

My first is Mikey:

He doesn't do anything at all apart from breaking up things that don't concern him.


Stuck up and boring. End of :p

10-07-2006, 18:50
first nomno is jayne
i cant stand her manners as she burps constantly and i find her very too faced

second nomo is suize
she is creating a role for herslef and i find her so boring!

10-07-2006, 18:50
first nomno is jayne
i cant stand her manners as she burps constantly and i find her very too faced

second nomo is suize
she is creating a role for herslef and i find her so boring!

true.moon leaves the diary room