View Full Version : Street Fight = No Happy Ending For Little Mo

14-05-2006, 15:03
LITTLE Mo gives her doctor boyfriend a violent shove then wrestles him to the ground in a shocking EastEnders streetfight.

Single mum Mo goes berserk after confronting handsome GP Oliver Cousins (Tom Ellis) with rumours that he's been cheating on her.

Mo (Kacey Ainsworth), who almost killed wife-beating hubby Trevor with a steam iron to the head, is all set to leave the Square and start a new life with Oliver.

But when cousin Stacey tells Mo she saw the doctor kissing busty barmaid Dawn Miller (Kara Tointon), the move is off. And the only thing Mo is packing in the BBC1 soap episode to be screened on Friday, May 26, is a punch in Doc Oliver's direction.

An insider said: "It's a case of crossed wires. Dawn does kiss the doctor. But it's an innocent farewell kiss to wish him luck for his new life. But Mo is furious. She's been mucked around by too many men too many times."

Mo confronts the doctor in the cafe but it quickly spills outside.


And she lashes out as he tries to explain the mix up - leaving him in the gutter and their future in the air.

14-05-2006, 15:58
Oh, no why do soap characters always rely on others gossiping and then have their lives ruined! Poor Mo and oliver, why can't this be happily ever after?:crying:

14-05-2006, 16:21
so do they get back togetehr and then leave or does little mo leave on her own? why cant someone have a hppy ending for once

Crazy Gal 88
14-05-2006, 18:16
so do they leave together or is she single once again? please say its the former - the poor girl deserves a break

14-05-2006, 18:17
Eastenders, happy ending an Little Mo will never appear in the same sentence. It is a shame though. should be fun to watch as she is a foot shorter than he is.

14-05-2006, 18:33
oooo i remember reading this in the inside soap hahhhhhaa little mo fighting!! wonders will never cease! x

14-05-2006, 19:04
oooo i remember reading this in the inside soap hahhhhhaa little mo fighting!! wonders will never cease! x
Well she did fight before, with a steam iron! And Trevors head was not so pleased!

14-05-2006, 19:38
should be a good fight to watch but i think mo's character has allready been ruined by eastenders bad storylines they have dealt her i cant wait for her and her disastrous hairdo to leave walford along with screaming freddie lol

14-05-2006, 20:26
Well I can't wait cos the sooner it happens the sooner she can leave thank goodness I've had enough of her character she does my head in and as for her haircut *shudders* the less said the better

14-05-2006, 20:47
So Little Mo leaves without Dr.Oliver because of some gossip about Dawn kissing Oliveer good luck???!!! What a rubbish leaving story, why can't Dr Oliver and Little Mo leave together????!!
Little Mo has had so much bad luck that she deserves to have a happy ending!

14-05-2006, 21:43
it would be nice, just once for her to have something happy!!! i really hope they do go together, fingers crossed!!!!

14-05-2006, 22:17
Everyone shoot me down, but I think her and Freddie need time away with each other away from Walford and everyone else, and to settle down properly and then for her to find someone again. Shes too jumpy at the moment still, and needs to learn to trust again. If shes ready to do this to Dr Oliver then she needs time out totally.

14-05-2006, 22:51
oh what a rubbish way to leave! little mo deserved a better departure than this! couldnt she have had some happness!

14-05-2006, 23:18
Why do they always have Stacey stirring things?! I know she's just trying to look out for Little Mo, but she doesn't stop to see the real picture. And they are always having her do things like this. It's just so predictable!

I'm not so sure it will end like this. I saw character Dr Oliver on something the other day. And he said they went on again, off again and then back on again. So perhaps he explains the situation, and they make up.

Dr. Tangliss
15-05-2006, 10:25
Lol, Mad Mo! I dare say the episode will be good though!

15-05-2006, 10:26
welll Mad Mo is better than Moanie Mo.

15-05-2006, 10:29
welll Mad Mo is better than Moanie Mo.

I'd rather no mo at all as she drives me mad! Soon to get my wish :)

Dr. Tangliss
15-05-2006, 12:11
Yeah, will have to agree with you there, Chance.

15-05-2006, 15:56
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! how unfair is that? where did you read it?

15-05-2006, 17:43
This leaving story for Little Mo is just like the Alfie/Kat scenario at Christmas, will they leave together or leave apart??! Just like this with Dr. Oliver and Little Mo.....will they leave together or go their seperate ways?!

16-05-2006, 13:34
it says in whats on tv that she gets freddie back (so he does not die) oliver asks her to marry him stacey sticks her nose in and says something to mo and mo then disides to leave on her own with freddie to make a new start oliver runs to the tube station but does he get there on time
So still no nearer to knowing what actually happen to the end of of mo

16-05-2006, 16:43
Soaplife says that Mo and Oliver do leave together.

16-05-2006, 18:15
The TV Biz column in the Sun says that Little Mo leaves on her own with Freddie but without Oliver. :)

16-05-2006, 18:57
no one seems to be telling us anything for definite if they leave together or not! i guess we will have to wait and see

17-05-2006, 10:34
In the TV Times it says Oliver proposes and they go to Leeds together

17-05-2006, 10:44
oh no poor little mo :( .... shes not very lucky with men is she...i think shes been hurt too much in the past that she jumps to conclusions too easily and assumes the worst and doesn't trust men. she needs to trust again and stop jumping too conclusions and she might get somewhere poor thing.

17-05-2006, 16:16
More sources for Mo leaving with Oliver than against then, guess we'll just have to wait and see though.

17-05-2006, 16:44
But it's an innocent farewell kiss to wish him luck for his new life.its not actually an innocent farewell kiss at all. Inside soap says that Mo get angry at him for almost telling Peggy that ben hit freddie, or something like that, and oliver goes to the vic and gets drunk and sleeps with Dawn. Whoops.

17-05-2006, 18:00
its not actually an innocent farewell kiss at all. Inside soap says that Mo get angry at him for almost telling Peggy that ben hit freddie, or something like that, and oliver goes to the vic and gets drunk and sleeps with Dawn. Whoops.

I haven't heard anything about Dawn and Oliver sleeping together??? :confused:

17-05-2006, 19:36
I haven't heard anything about Dawn and Oliver sleeping together??? :confused:its in the new inside soap. he invites her back to his house, so im assuming they sleep together :searchme: it would only make sense

18-05-2006, 10:06
when i read this i thought it was a joke, little mo fighting, come on... then again this is eastenders

18-05-2006, 18:38
when i read this i thought it was a joke, little mo fighting, come on... then again this is eastenders

Well i could imagine Little Mo fighting, after all she did fight back at Trevor with an iron!

20-05-2006, 12:53
20 May 2006
LITTLE Mo is the final Slater sister to leave the Square.

Since arriving in Walford almost six years ago, Little Mo has made a massive impact as the most down-trodden of the Slater sisters but managed to survive it all.
Magnificently played by the award-winning Kacey Ainsworth, she finally makes her exit on Friday. Following the departures of Lynne, niece Zoe and big sis Kat, Little Mo's leaving probably brings to an end the reign of one of soap's best-ever families in the Slaters.
Having suffered the abuse from husband Trevor, being jailed for and then cleared of his attempted murder, joyfully marrying - and divorcing - kind-hearted Billy No-Mates, being raped by Graham and having his child, then being dragged into an ill-fated love triangle with Kat and Alfie, she has triumphed over adversity.
How ironic, then, that she should be wrongly suspected of child abuse after Little Freddie's accident - and Peggy for one will be glad to see the back of her.
"Cos no one wants you round 'ere anymore," the landlady hisses maliciously.
And even Mo is aware that life could be so much better managing a coffee shop in Barnstaple, especially when the handsome Dr Oliver asks her what would make her stay in Albert Square.

"A miracle?" she replies. "Yeah, if you could wave a magic wand and make the last few months disappear."

Oh, come on, Mo. The ratings and show have picked up and Enders did win the Bafta. Things aren't that bad.

As exits go, it might not be the best, but it is certainly entertaining. The real child beater, Ben, admits the truth about hitting and injuring Little Freddie, so Little Mo is vindicated on that. But it's something she decides to keep secret for the sake of Phil's disturbed boy, which leads to a last barney in the Vic.

There's also a last fight in the Square after Little Mo and Oliver are reconciled and he proposes. Unfortunately, she wrongly suspects he has been involved with barmaid Dawn and decks him.

"I think maybe you're right,"the doc admits. "Maybe we don't love each other. I think we've both been a bit hasty. I think I should go this evening - on my own."

Of course, they do really love one another, and there's on last dash as he chases after Mo and begs her to go away with him. But you will have to tune in on Friday to see if they are reunited and she finds the happiness she deserves. "I have been Little Mo too long," she says sadly. "Maybe it ain't never gunna be my turn."

Mo, you'd be surprised.

Soapbox, Mirror.
It is a fight all right as you can see.

22-05-2006, 19:13
:( Poor mo. she never has a happy ending!!! I hope they work things out though, so they leave together and not separately. I think Mo should learn not to jump to conclusions as she did it last time and was wrong, Dawn, by the sounds of it is innocent.