View Full Version : Invasion

02-02-2006, 13:57

does anyone have an spoilers on Invasions, its on channel 4 and E4. Im totally addicted to it and need to know if anyone is going to die and if there is aliens taking over...

if you have not seen this you are missing out its a great drama!!!

17-02-2006, 07:49
i would like some spoilers as i too love this programme all i know is that the first season (dont know if there is another 1) will run for 13 episodes

17-02-2006, 14:15
There's 17 episodes.
Go to http://www.tv.com/invasion/show/32917/episode_guide.html & read what the episodes are about. It also has reviews from people which have spoilers in them.

17-02-2006, 14:33
oh thank you i thought there were only 13 as i tried to buy them off ebay and they were selling 13 so i thought this was the complete season so thanks for letting me know.

17-02-2006, 15:01
Try http://www.didyouseethelights.com/ for good spoilers.

There will be 22 episodes roughly before season 1 finishes