View Full Version : Week 4 spoilers (21/01/06)

irish eyes
06-01-2006, 13:24
Casualty – The Things We Do For Love

8.20-9.10pm BBC ONE

Harry has to treat Nathan’s mum, Peggy, in less than four hours, whilst
a journalist from the local paper is let loose in the department, in
tonight’s episode of the popular hospital drama.

Meanwhile, Maggie overhears Bruno bragging to Kelsey that he
recently didn’t attend a course but still got paid for it. Maggie
forces Bruno to re-book the course but without payment this
time. Bruno is furious and deliberately winds Maggie up about the
four-hour rule. He then records her rant on his mobile and gives
it to the journalist.

Harry is played by Simon MacCorkindale, Nathan by Ben Price,
Peggy by Elizabeth Bell, Maggie by Susan Cookson and Bruno by
Mark Bonnar.

06-01-2006, 14:58
bruno is so horrible, he just gets on my nerves. maybe he and ellen should run off into the sunset together!!!!!

Crazy Gal 88
06-01-2006, 17:28
bruno should be shot

06-01-2006, 17:33
ooo looks good. bad bruno :p

eastenders mad
07-01-2006, 10:29
can someone please sack Bruno he is really horrible to everyone. Howdid he get the job whoever gave him the job they must me mad.

07-01-2006, 15:12
can someone please sack Bruno he is really horrible to everyone. Howdid he get the job whoever gave him the job they must me mad.
its a tv programme its not real chill out :wall:

07-01-2006, 22:55
Bruno, is bad

Nathan's mam coming in will be good

08-01-2006, 00:28
bruno is so horrible, he just gets on my nerves. maybe he and ellen should run off into the sunset together!!!!!

Bruno should have gotten sacked this evening for giving jabs to that gal for money under the table...
Who is Nathan ??? :searchme:

08-01-2006, 01:12
nathans that new guy cant think what he is, but hes got dark hair, he was going on to harry about the money today.

08-01-2006, 10:50
Isnt he the one who is driving every one nuts about the "time" allotments that the A&E is using ??? If thats who it is then I know who u mean now :D

08-01-2006, 13:37
Looks good bad Bruno he is really starting to annoy me now he is bound to get sacked eventually everything he does can not go unnoticed

10-01-2006, 18:10
sounds a good eppy although i despise nathan and bruno. bruno should get kicked out!!

13-01-2006, 15:07
i think he is the fianance director or something high up.

bruno has to loose his job as he is giving nurses a bad name.