View Full Version : introducing...........

samantha nixon
05-01-2006, 20:15
found this on the bill site

Introducing PC Emma Keane and PC Lewis Hardy, the new recruits at Sun Hill.

Emma Keane is keen alright! She’s determined to do well in the police service as she wants to prove to her high ranking father, she can make it on her own terms and not by using his status. Emma is smart and fun loving, so she will probably get on really well with the relief and vice versa. She has already demonstrated what a good diplomat she is too, making sure PC Will Fletcher got a place to live at Dan’s when Dan only wanted her to move into his spare room. Unlike Emma’s middleclass upbringing, Lewis Hardy is from a working class background and where Emma spent her time at University in her late teens, Lewis was at the University of Life – on the streets, with his small gang in Hackney. After being wrongly picked up by the police who suspected he was carrying drugs, Lewis was impressed with one of the coppers who knew he was innocent and fought his corner. Lewis is a very smart guy who has a sharp wit. The only reason he didn’t go to University was because he didn’t want to get in to debt. Lewis is in the police service because he knows there is more to life than hanging out with his mates on the streets and he also wants to stand up for the underdog. Like Emma he will probably fit in with his work mates because he’s an intelligent likable guy.
PC Lewis Hardy is paired up with PC Roger Valentine so he can show him the ropes. Its not a marriage made in heaven and after Lewis’s first over zealous arrest, on his first day, things turned hellish for him as the boy he tackled threatened to make a complaint about him. Meanwhile Emma had to admit to Roger that the DCI from the DPS (The Directorate of Professional Standards) who said hello to her, is her dad after Roger warns: “Beware the smiling knife!”
Emma is not aware Lewis fancies her. He’s been hiding his feeling as Emma is already going out with another guy who’s in his early thirties - Lewis doesn’t feel he is any competition. Will this remain an unrequited love?
http://www.thebill.com/images/nws_news/nws_content/04_01_06_both_03_01.jpg http://www.thebill.com/images/nws_news/nws_content/04_01_06_lewis_02.jpg http://www.thebill.com/images/nws_news/nws_content/04_01_06_emma_01.jpg http://www.thebill.com/images/nws_news/nws_content/04_01_06_new_lead.jpg