View Full Version : gooseberries

07-08-2005, 17:47
After Craig and Anthony threw another strop today, Makosi and Kinga decided the boys were becoming difficult to live with.

"Those two are obsessed. I can't be around them," grumbled Makosi. "I want to have fun with them... but just sitting in a room with both of them is so tense, because they pass snidey comments about each other."

Kinga agreed she couldn't take much more of their squabbling. "It's quite silly arguments too," she sighed.

The blonde wondered if all the tantrums were just for the camera's benefit. "I think so," Makosi replied firmly.

Both girls concluded that they felt decidedly awkward around the bickering boys and were tired of trying to reconcile them.

Sounds like Craig and Anthony will be spending a lot more time alone together then...

07-08-2005, 17:51
After Craig and Anthony threw another strop today, Makosi and Kinga decided the boys were becoming difficult to live with.

"Those two are obsessed. I can't be around them," grumbled Makosi. "I want to have fun with them... but just sitting in a room with both of them is so tense, because they pass snidey comments about each other."

Kinga agreed she couldn't take much more of their squabbling. "It's quite silly arguments too," she sighed.

The blonde wondered if all the tantrums were just for the camera's benefit. "I think so," Makosi replied firmly.

Both girls concluded that they felt decidedly awkward around the bickering boys and were tired of trying to reconcile them.

Sounds like Craig and Anthony will be spending a lot more time alone together then...they are getting on my nerves too now!

07-08-2005, 18:05
yeah they have got a bit boring

07-08-2005, 18:07
is that all they do
anthoney 2 win