View Full Version : whats your flavour

01-08-2005, 16:53
In her role as everybody's friend, Kinga quizzed Craig on what type of person he goes for. Craig however, was suddenly all coy on the subject.

Kinga told Craig and Anthony that she fancied David Beckham and Enrique Iglesias and asked what celebrities Craig fancied. Craig had to put his sunglasses on to answer.

"I'm not saying who I fancy," he said. "Certainly not David Beckham. Not the ones you mentioned. Mine are on a different level."

Kinga tried to pin him down to either blond hair or dark hair.

"I don't have a set type," he said. "Probably darker. I go for personalities. I'm drawn to people."

Kinga would not let go. She asked what he'd go for if he could have any man in a club.

Don't expose me - I can't take anymore!

"Or it could be a girl," said Anthony, a little hopefully.

"It could be," said Craig. However, he wouldn't answer Kinga's probing.

"You're good looking, as well, Craig," Kinga said, but he still wouldn't be drawn into frankness.

Anthony didn't mind sharing which celebs he fancied.

"Girls Aloud," he said. "Jennifer Ellison, she's fit. Jordan, she's fit," he said.

And after Kinga left the room, Craig found his tongue. "The quizzing has started again," he sighed to Anthony. Anthony asked him what the problem was.

"I am being quizzed again. I can't handle it," said Craig. "She's trying to get it out of me. I'm not exposing to anyone."

However he then revealed what he did fancy.

"I fancy a tuna sandwich," he said.

That wasn't so hard, was it Craig?