View Full Version : he's back and he's lying

28-07-2005, 15:33
Returned Housemate Derek has been lying through his teeth since strutting back through the Diary Room door.

Faced with a barrage of questions about his whereabouts last night, Derek soared off on flights of fancy that kept even Makosi guessing.

"I could see everything," he told the awed Housemates, "On screens!" he added with a flourish. Oh, Derek you little liar!

When asked what his living conditions had been like, Derek embellished on his tissue of lies further.

"They had done it up to look like my bedroom at home," he said. Unless Derek sleeps on a barracks style bed in a darkened room, reading books about spies, this is a falsehood.

"They must have spoken to my Housekeeper," Derek said, his lying pants now fully on fire.

As Anthony shamefully told Derek all about his drunken shenanigans last night, Derek pretended he had seen the whole thing.

"I thought my Housemates are more unintelligent than I thought they were," Derek commented wryly.

But Craig, Orlaith and Anthony have admitted that they don't believe a word he says.

Not so unintelligent after all, eh? Erm...

28-07-2005, 15:35
hmmm seems odd to me. why lie?

28-07-2005, 15:40
attention or just so they think he had a better time then he actually did as to make then jelous? who knows? :searchme:

28-07-2005, 16:44
He's just attention seeking

28-07-2005, 16:47
maybe he worked out that if he lied it's more likely to be aired - more interesting to watch and therefore he'll have more exposure?

28-07-2005, 16:59
yeah, good theory

Sounds like something that Derek would do

28-07-2005, 17:13
i quite like derek now lol

28-07-2005, 17:23
He's entertaining, but i dont want him to win... second maybe

28-07-2005, 17:39
no i dont want him to win or anything he's just kind of grown on me

28-07-2005, 17:41
i saw him come out the diary room with a folder

28-07-2005, 18:00
Yeah that was to say that they had past the task

28-07-2005, 19:10
At least they might not be moaning all week about not having any food now! Its about time they passed a task, good on you Kemal!

28-07-2005, 19:16
kemal isn't allowed to say that he was the mole they all still think it was derek

28-07-2005, 19:18
What will happen if they did find out though?

28-07-2005, 19:22
Dont know on the paper derek brought out it said something like it would best if they did say who it was

28-07-2005, 19:42
They cant exactly put him up for eviction!