View Full Version : VANESSA is so boring

08-07-2005, 15:17
Does anyone else agree with me i find Vanessa to be really boring all she ever does is moan alongside with Kemal they are like two old woman.. She puts me to sleep half of the times.

08-07-2005, 15:36
No vanessa is ace!

08-07-2005, 15:45
i could not agree more with you Tasha, i really dont like Vanessa- i did like Kemal at the beginning, now hes annoying me a bit, but he's way better than Vanessa. She does nothing, and thinks everyone likes her. Guess what?? We dont!!!

08-07-2005, 15:49
I agree tasha she does nothing!! + she is fav to win :eek:

08-07-2005, 15:52
all she does is moan and eat!!! boring!!!!

08-07-2005, 16:03
Is she really fav to win??
I thought it was Derek

08-07-2005, 16:04
vanessa fave to win?????


08-07-2005, 16:06
She can't be!!! Surely not!! I swear it was Derek, then makosi!!!!
Didn't it say on another post that she is rank outsider?
I'll go check

08-07-2005, 16:08
i just can't belive it!!
what does she do??

08-07-2005, 16:08
Yup according to one of Chances recent posts

"Still heading the winners' market is Derek with odds of 10/3, closely followed by Makosi at 7/2 - she was the 25/1 outsider at the start of the series.

Vanessa, meanwhile, is the current long shot with odds of 40/1 to win the series."

08-07-2005, 16:10
i did not think that was right, she is a rank out sider so i presume that means she has got no hope!!!
the only thing with being the way she is, is when it comes to nominations they forget about her!!!

08-07-2005, 16:16
She's so bitchy about everyone though, bue no one seems to remember come nomination time. At least if she did get down to the final 4 or 5 she would go straight away cause they dont do nominations at that sort of time

08-07-2005, 20:32
i think that they should kick vanessa out and the well she makosi being nice to the other house mates.

08-07-2005, 20:35
i also fink shes an ugly b***h that needs to get a life and some real mates.