View Full Version : Evictions result

05-07-2005, 18:34
Awwwwwwwwwwww this weeks nominations have been announced.

Maxwell versus Science.

Maxwell gentlemanly said 'May the best man win' with no overtone or hint of malice. Good on him.

I just know what will happen but I just sooooo hope it doesn't.

Maxwell has shown some brilliant qualities this week and it is NOT just down to clever editing..... watching the live feed shows just the same.

I have also been a Maxwell supporter as I think he is the most genuine down to earth person in there. He has no pretentions and he is a genuine person to those he cares about whereas the others are.....well back stabbing bitches.

It is a shame he is up against Science as Science has many fans.. but I just hope that justice conquers and he stays in.

Well.. lets face it.. if he goes he will be able to see Saskia... so it's a win win for him. But I want to see him last longer as he makes it fun and makes it real and makes me laugh.

What will happen to poor Craig if Uncle Max goes... poor lad.

Shocked that Oral, Vanessa and Eugene were not up..shocked and sadenned.

Also think that the gbp should get the opportunity to let the Makosi camp see what we think of them. Would love to see Makosi up as she is a scheming, bitch who lies through her back teeth. Also Kemal, her footman who has no brain outside of Makosi's head.

If Max has to go.. which I hope he doesn't... I hope that he gets a brilliant reception from the gbp to show the t**ts in there that they are not 'all that'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also Max does generally contribute more to the house... sorry Science but he does. And Science's violent and confrontational behaviour has been far more threatening than Max's.... it's just that others prefer to see ill of Maxwell.