View Full Version : Home and Away (Aus) Spoilers 22nd - 25th July 2013

05-07-2013, 13:39
Monday 22nd July
Brax wants Casey to give positive testimony for Ricky. Indi and Dex decide to throw a party. Meanwhile, Dex asks April to move in. Indi tries to help Casey.

Tuesday 23rd July
Casey is faced with an embarrassing day after drunkenly kissing Indi. Irene is overworked at the Diner. Meanwhile, Tamara tries to ignore the fact her memories are returning.

Wednesday 24th July
Maddy tries to rekindle her friendship with a reluctant Spencer. Meanwhile, Kyle and Tamara worry what the return of her memories mean for them.

Thursday 25th July
Maddys friendship with Spencer is threatened by an unexpected twist. Bianca expects Heath to take her to the Principals Dinner. Pippa starts her first day at school and Zac tries to convince Heath to be there for Bianca.

05-07-2013, 14:37
is pippa the old one or sally's kid?

05-07-2013, 16:04
Sally's daughter Pippa

05-07-2013, 16:21
is pippa the old one or sally's kid?

Yes it must be Sally's daughter than Leah had for her I think

05-07-2013, 16:22
So Tamara is finally remembering

07-07-2013, 22:20
This could get interesting with Tamara finally remembering that she loved Casey and hated Kyle!!

07-07-2013, 23:05
This could get interesting with Tamara finally remembering that she loved Casey and hated Kyle!!

I think Tamara always had feelings for Kyle.

08-07-2013, 18:56
This could get interesting with Tamara finally remembering that she loved Casey and hated Kyle!!

Now no doctor , but she has forgotten everything because she went without food and water for a couple of days .. come on, then just seen her in hospital, now she has forgotten everything , ok no memory of anything in Summer Bay, but wants a "total stranger" Kyle to stay with her ....

08-07-2013, 18:56
This could get interesting with Tamara finally remembering that she loved Casey and hated Kyle!!

Now no doctor , but she has forgotten everything because she went without food and water for a couple of days .. come on, then just seen her in hospital, now she has forgotten everything , ok no memory of anything in Summer Bay, but wants a "total stranger" Kyle to stay with her ....

11-07-2013, 23:16
I always suspected she had feelings for him even before her memory loss and when she was with Casey(maybe subconscious or repressed feelings now the memory loss has removed those barriers she is possibly acting on them?). never entirely convinced about her hatred for him either before the kiss they were getting along well and were getting pretty close.

11-07-2013, 23:18
I guess because Kyle was caring and calming influence on her I guess she connected with him so she trusted him even though he was a stranger.

02-08-2013, 06:08
Monday episode 5791 - 22/07/13

Ricky’s concerned that Brax won’t testify against her and land himself in hot water with the court. She’s accepted she’s going to prison for her crimes, and she doesn’t want Brax to get in trouble. However, he’s not the only one to be subpoenaed – Casey has also been served, along with Heath, Kyle and Tamara. Brax tries to convince Casey to downplay Ricky’s guilt in his testimony, but Casey’s not going to play along this time. Tensions mount between him and Ricky, resulting in an altercation where Casey makes it clear wants Ricky to pay for what she’s done. He points out that lying in court is perjury; he could go back to prison for lying on that stand. Brax knows that, but it doesn’t help Casey who feels this affirms his belief that Brax is willing to sacrifice his brother for Ricky. Brax is caught – will he stand by the woman he loves or support the little brother he’s always cared for?

Indi and Dex make their first official adult decision for the Walker household: throw a party! Dex asks April to move in with him officially. She agrees, but both are worried about how Indi will take the news. Happily, Indi’s over the moon about April moving in, and even offers the couple Sid’s old room. It looks like this new arrangement is going to work out! As the party heats up Casey makes an appearance, and he’s in a surprisingly great mood considering his heated argument with Brax and Ricky. Unfortunately, it’s soon apparent he’s had too much to drink. Indi takes charge and gets Casey to crash at the house. In his drunken haze he follows her into the spare bedroom. While she tries to coax Casey into bed, he kisses her. Shocked, Indi pulls away, but Casey’s already collapsing into bed.

Sally’s researching options to get Pippa into the trial program at the Mayo Clinic. Despite her hope, the cracks are starting to show when she snaps at Roo for trying to help. Alf seeks Sally out, and she reveals the costs involved with the trial are very steep – she just does not have the funds. Alf vows to help get Pippa over to the States and to the clinic no matter what it takes. Alf, Harvey and Roo come up with a solution; Sally could sell the house and the caravan park. Sally’s overwhelmed. She feels like everything is crumbling beneath her and the house is one of the only solid things left in her life. Whenever she’s at home she’s reminded of Flynn and all the wonderful times she’s had there. But Sally comes to the difficult conclusion that selling the house is her only option to give Pippa the best chance to survive.

Tuesday episode 5792 - 23/07/13

The morning after the Walker party, a hung over Casey is more than a little worse for wear. As the nights events come crashing back to him, Casey is forced to relive his actions with startling clarity: he tried to kiss his boss! John catches Casey out hiding from Indi and advises he have a shower before work, as the smell of alcohol is pretty obvious. When Casey sneaks in for his shift at the gym he runs into Indi, who quizzes him about what he remembers from last night. Casey pretends he can’t remember anything, much to Indi’s bemusement. John asks Indi if there’s a chance of a job, and she cryptically replies that maybe there’ll be one available soon if Casey doesn’t pick up his game. He’s been flirting with a girl at the gym all afternoon, and she provocatively asks him to seek her out at the caravan park. When Indi confronts Casey about kissing her in his drunken state he apologises, acknowledging his bad behaviour. Indi believes that the drinking and flirting is a way to distract himself from the pain of losing Tamara. Off the back of Indi’s advice, Casey seeks out Tamara to see if he can connect with her, but she brushes him off. Alone again, Casey heads to the caravan park where he finds the girl he met earlier at the gym, who asks him to join her in the caravan – Casey’s not ready to deal with his pain, and follows her inside for some fun to forget his troubles.

Alf reveals that Sally’s selling the house and has gone to see a real estate agent. Meanwhile, Leah is sick with worry about whether VJ might have the same disease as Pippa. Alf clocks that Irene is stretched too thin at work, and suggests she get some help. Leah receives the good news that VJ has tested negative to the gene, and she runs off to be with VJ at Irene’s suggestion. Roo stays to help Irene, who’s grateful for her support. Sally is relieved to hear VJ is OK, as she’s received bad news about the housing market from the agent. Leah offers to lend her money, but Sally refuses.

Tamara’s upset she’s been subpoenaed for Ricky’s trial – how is she supposed to testify with no memory? Brax advises Tamara tell the truth and say she can’t remember anything. This does nothing to allay Tamara’s fears, however, as she’s begun to remember parts of her captivity, but has only confided this to April. When Kyle takes out his tension on Ricky, he causes a fight and Tamara is inundated by memories of her ordeal – specifically of Ricky helping her. She does not tell Kyle her memories have returned, but is plagued by guilt – she now knows Ricky is the reason she survived being kidnapped by Adam. Her memories could help Ricky’s case. Meanwhile, Brax is sympathetic with Kyle for being upset about Tamara, but if Kyle ever treats Ricky disrespectfully again he’ll have to answer to him. Ricky’s sad she’s getting in between Brax and his brothers, and knows he’ll compromise himself to save her. She decides to leave town, but is interrupted by Tamara who admits she has memories of Ricky helping her. Kyle walks in to hear Tamara’s memories have returned.

Wednesday episode 5793 - 24/07/13

Pippa’s keen on starting school in Summer Bay, but Sally deflects. She’s preparing to tell Pippa about her illness, but every time she tries to break the to her Pippa brings up school. Irene suggests Sally use this time before going to the States to give Pippa an idyllic childhood in Summer Bay – just hold off telling her for a little while. Deciding Irene has a point, Sally signs Pippa up at Summer Bay High, and reveals her condition to Bianca, who vows to do everything she can to support Pippa at school. Roo and Alf ask Sally if she really needs to tell Pippa, and she’s unsure. By letting Pippa go to school is she setting her up for a fall when she finally learns of her condition? She decides to keep the truth from Pippa until they have enough money to get her to the States and into the trial. For now, Pippa can enjoy being a normal little girl.

Maddy’s a little too invested in how Spencer’s dealing with his breakup with Sasha. She wants them to be friends again, but Spencer rebuffs her. Roo counsels Maddy that Spencer’s taking his pain out on those closest to him, and that means Maddy. Spencer’s left confused about his relationships with Maddy and Sasha – he feels like Maddy wants him to be alone forever. After Harvey advises him that he might need a friend now, Spencer forgives Maddy.

Kyle’s devastated that Tamara kept her memory returning from him, but is relieved she has not remembered anything about him or Casey yet. Leah thinks it’s great that Tamara’s memory is coming back. Kyle’s worried that her memories about the desert will spell the end of their relationship, and Casey will be ready to pick up the pieces. Tamara’s upset that Kyle thinks she would leave him – she’s chosen him and not Casey, and she’s not going to change her mind. He wants a guarantee that they’ll be OK and stay together no matter what. She can’t promise that. He tries to apologise, but Tamara tells him it doesn’t matter. She’s sure of the way she feels about him. She loves him and nothing is going to change that.

Thursday episode 5794 - 25/07/13

Dex, Indi and April make the most of running their own house by holding a Monday Night Mexican party, when they get a surprising phone call from Sid. Meanwhile, Maddy and Spencer are enjoying hanging out as friends again. She’s also pleased John’s changed his mind about training her and Spencer joins in on her lifesaving session, with the pair having a great time goofing around and showing off. At school they get closer, joking and laughing; unbeknownst to them, their friendship’s about to be tested when Sasha arrives back in the bay. She tracks down Spencer, who’s thrown to see she’s back. He’s hurt that she was so flippant about ending their relationship, and he’s not sure if they can start again. Maddy confronts Sasha about breaking Spencer’s heart, and the two girls clash. Maddy warns Sasha that Spencer’s not going to forgive her for leaving. Dex and April are forced to comfort Sasha, who thinks she’s stuffed up with Spencer for good. Dex counsels Sasha to fight for Spencer. Her hope renewed, Sasha asks for forgiveness from Spencer, but he pushes her away. She hurt him and he doesn’t want that to happen again.

Alf, Roo and Marilyn worry about Pippa, who’s blissfully unaware she may be dying. She’s just started school and that’s all she can talk about. Jett and VJ want to know what’s up with Pippa when overhear Sally and Bianca talking about her illness. They piece together VJ’s relationship to Pippa and his health scare and realise there is a connection. The two of them endeavour to find out why she’s sick. Acting as spies, Jett and VJ sneak into Bianca’s office and find Pippa’s file. They find out that Pippa is really sick and there is no cure. They seek out Pippa to talk to her, and unwittingly alert her to her illness. When John asks for work at the Diner, Roo reacts with disbelief. She can’t think of anyone less suited to the job. Marilyn knows it’s due to John’s financial situation and thinks it could be a solution to Irene’s understaffing, but John’s embarrassed. Pippa bursts into the Diner asking Sally if it’s true she’s going to die.

Heath and Bianca find Zac dining alone and join him, where Heath chows down on Zac’s pizza. Bianca remarks he’d better learn some table manners before her principal’s dinner. Heath’s uninterested – it’s not court, so he’s not wearing a suit. Bianca still wants Heath to go, but Zac’s not sure if he’s going to come through for her. Indi also urges Heath to work out his priorities and support Bianca. Heath relents and offers to go to the dinner – even though it’s the last thing in the world he wants to do. Bianca’s unimpressed with his attitude and lets him off the hook. Secretly she’s hurt that he’s not supporting her.

Thursday episode 5795 - 25/07/13

Pippa is devastated to learn that she is dying. Sally promises her daughter that she is not going to die. They’re going to fight this together. VJ is racked with guilt for accidently revealing to Pippa that she is ill, as is Jett. Sally tells Pippa about the clinic and offers her hope. Secretly, Sally is upset she didn’t tell her daughter the truth earlier. Pippa’s not sure if she’s going to survive, and admits to Alf that she is really frightened about what could happen. Alf tells her he’s scared too, and Pippa feels less alone. Jett and VJ apologise to Pippa and tell her to come to them whenever she needs them. While Pippa is dealing relatively well with the news of her illness, Sally fears Pippa will see her as a liar, as she can’t possibly keep her promises.

Bianca is angry that Heath’s avoiding her. She now has to go to the Principal’s Dinner alone. Heath thinks that’s what she wanted all along – why would she want to bring Heath along when he’s likely to embarrass her! Bianca’s further incensed by this. After making out that it was such a hassle for him to go, of course she didn’t want him there. Heath feels ashamed for not supporting her. He reveals that he’s insecure at these types of functions. Bianca dreads going alone. Meanwhile, Marilyn attempts to convince Irene to hire John, who’s in financial strife. When Zac sees how upset Bianca is he tries to get Heath to step up. Heath thinks that he and Bianca should not try and change each other. Zac becomes her knight in shining armour by accompanying her, and the pair have a wonderful night. Bianca’s relieved that Zac’s come through for her. When an overworked Irene snaps at Heath, he realises he’s been a fool. He shows up to surprise Bianca by being her date for the Principal’s Dinner. But when he arrives he sees Bianca and Zac enjoying themselves. It’s a kick in the guts and he slips out without either of them noticing.